Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

some stories from my teenager life

hey bloogggiiee long time no posting and i think this is the right time to share some stories who come from my home. i hope my parents gonna search my name on google find this blog and realize how much i hurt, look what they have done to me. that seriously not really good.

i spend a lot of time in my home honestly i'm not really feel comfertable in my own home i wonder why and may be it's because my parents behavior especially my dad. his ego is bigger than this world he always blame someone else for his own false. of course is affect me and my sister. first may be just me who feel like this but soon my sister will feel the same. all i want in my head right now is jus RUN AWAY it heard too much but just that i thought for now. i just want that my parents respect my decision i'm not their doll. i know i'm their child but it doesn't mean they can control my own life without caring what i think what i feel. it feel unfair. especially for this life. what they do right now just ruin my joy. i'm very fuckin' jealous with my friends, i'm just regular teenager. this time is the biggest time of my whole life. in this time i will built my character and go figure who i am. all i want is just support from my parents just it, is that too much?.

i wanna share some story with my mom  like my friends do, they can share all they think. they can talk about boys,friends,teachers,school and all the girl stuff. but i just can't do it. i can't just open my heart my mind to tell those things to my mom. i love her so much but she never can understand me. all i do is always wrong. i'll try my best to get high score but if i can get 85 she still fell it so low. i don't know what am i supposed to do. should i meet psychiatrist? or run away to the National commission child?

all i wanna say right now is i love my parents so much. i need a little respect from them. just respect all i do to them. i'll try my best to be good girl. so please try your best to be a perfect parents to me. :')  

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

malam sepi

hello folks!!!!
first at all title postingnya ko sedikit menijikan ya wkwk tapi  gak ada inspirasi sih tapi selow B)

heeeyyy hmm gak tau sih sebernernya mau ngomong apa cuman lagi bosen aja otak butek nih belajar terus mumpung lagi inget sama blog ku tersayang :*
eh masa masa yaaa gue jadi jarang looh dengerin lagu metal abis cape juga menyandang predikat menjadi anak metal \m/ tapi di hina juga gara gara sukanya metal gaul wkwk. sekarang lagi suka sama musik yang kaya danger radio love their music so much ♥. musik nya enak denger banget nge jazz nge jazz gidu *apalah gue hahahaha.

pengen dah kali kali nge posting yang panjang gitu kaya blog blog orang dengan isis yang lebih bermutu biar berguna juga ini blog biar gak sepi sepi amat gituuu tapi ya sehubung gue juga anknya gak kreatif jadi ya susah juga ini blog mah udah kaya diary aja abis lebih enak cerita di blog sih dari pada nulis di buku yang ucul ucul gitchuu wkwkwk.

oke sekian untuk malam ini walau pun sama seperti malam malam yang lalu sepi gak punya pacar dan akhirnya galau hahaha
byeeeeeeeeeeee blooogiiieeeeeeee smooocccchh unyyyyuuuuu :*

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

senior high!

hiiii bloogiiieeee long time no posting ahahaha. heeey fyi i'm a shs student now *prok prok prok. well, gue sekolah di 99shs emang gak sesuai keinginan tapi yaa... nikmatin aja iya gaak not bad jg ko sekolahnya actually malah enak gue berhasil bikin orang iri sama sekolah gue :p.

sekarang udah sma berarti udah gede and must be more mature hahahaha jangan lagi jadi labil. mau ngejer pmdk nih tapi godaannya banyak banget jadi gue gak belajar muluu doain aja deh ya biar bisa dapet PMDK amiin

okeee cukup sampai di sini gue bingung mau ngomong apa lagi see you at the next posting

Senin, 21 Juni 2010



Senin, 07 Juni 2010


heeeeey want this awesome t-shirt? just click my twitter mention me and feel free to order

and also available in white

there's another design :)

and also this one

 okaay contact me for order
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thank you so much :)

answer this

did you ever feel that you totally in love with someone and will give everything to make this love last forever?
did you ever feel when you really love someone than you must take your feeling away because the fool reason that can be fix by understand reach other?
this fuckin' life make someone can be change maybe thats why people say that love have a power, to make you break down or perhaps to make you survive in this evil world.
people can be crazy when she/he is in love like maybe they become happy cause can be together with someone they love or going to death because desperated in love.
enough for this posting sorry i'm not good in english don't look at my grammar okay

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

break up

heey bloggie the first posting di bulan mei ini dan gue membawa berita buruk yang bener bener bikin gue berubah (bukan lebay tapi ini kenyataan). pas hari senin malem kemaren gue putus :'( that totally chage my life. gue gak pernah deh sesayang ini sama cowo tapi sekalinya bener bener sayang gak bertahan lama. mungkin emang cuman 28 hari tapi udah cukup nyakitin. gue sempet ngedown banget. lo ketawa depan gue sedangkan gue nahan nangis. gue jadi banyak lagu melow di hp harus ngetweet yg melow tiap hari. seriously gue gak mau buat punya perasaan kaya gini tapi gimana gue gak bisa boongin perasaan gue kalo gue emnag sakit. okay that's enough from me i'm out byeeeeee

Jumat, 16 April 2010

i'm back

hello blogggieeee long time no post hahaha and i think nothing special in my day so i can't to tell you and entertain you of course hahahaha. sorry kalo grammer gue ngaco maklum lah pemula (?). rasanya pengen banyak crita tapi gue gak maua frontal buat sekarang hahaha jadi cukup sampai disini. gaje ya posting gue hahaha

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010


visitors gue jarang ya sekarang ngebacot di blog maaf ya soalnya gue gak niat gitu deh buat posting posting gak mood gitchu. and you know what ? UN usah di depan mata gue udah deg degan kayanya gak keterima gitu tapi gue juga gak belajar jadi begitu kaaaan. aaaaaa about my love life gak mau kasih comment ah lagi doubtfull banget nih setiap yang hinggap di loplaip gua hahaha asik bahasa gua ahay ahay.
if you miss me you can meet me on twitter @mirandaputri atau chat aja ke that's all see you in next posting guys! don't miss me! HAHAHA

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

hello readers

hell-o all my visitors hehe apa kabar kalian semua ? apakah kalian merindukan ku ? pasti iya deh gue kan ngangenin iya kan *ting ting
ih gila gak kerasa loh gue kalo ternyata gue udah kelas 9 huaaaa cepet banget ya kayanya kemaren gue baru masuk smp deh eh udah mau sma hahaha.

oke cukup disini posting gue (hahaha dikit amat ya)hast