Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

miss me ?

helloooooooooooooo bloggiee miss me ? eaea what's up all visitors eaea
udah lama ya gue gak nge blog haha bingung sih gue mau posting apa dan secara gue punya insomnia *kayanya meen jadi ngeblogie aja
nih ya gue mau posting ngina orang tapi secara blog gue bakal di pake ptd jadi gue gak berani posting macem macem hahaha

fyi aja yaa i got a boyfriend noooooow but i always selfish annoyed etc i really confused now mau gue apa sih ? dapet protes gak dapet protes wtf beeeet deeeeeec hahaha, eh eh another fyi i got a new job hahaha jangan pada nethink yaaa tapi gue rada pesimis soalnya kayanya gue gak pernah di ridoin amat ya dengan urusan band hahaha

yasudah ya blogie gue bingung mau nulis apa lagi eaea byeeeeeeeeeee blogggggggggggieeeee if you miss me call me (?) hahaha

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

where are you know by justin bieber

Where are you now
When I need you the most
Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close

Help me when I am down
Lift me up off the ground
Teach me right from wrong
Help me to stay strong

Take my hand and walk with me

I need you to set me free yeah

Where are you now
When nothing is going right
Where are you now
I can't see the light

Where are you noooow,
When I need you the most?

Why don't you take my hand?
I wanna be close.
Take my hand and walk with me, yeahh.

Where are you noooooww,
When nothing's going right?
Where are you nooooww?
I can't see the light.

So take my hand and walk with me.
Show me what to be, yeah
I need you to set me free, yeahh.

Where are you now?
Now that I'm half-grown.
Why are we far apart?
I feel all alone.

Where are you noooow?
When nothing's going right.
Where are you now?
I can't see the light...

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009



bloggie long time gak posting nih hahaha eh iya cuman mau promoin tweet doang apa deeec gue padahal udah gue link bhaha. eeeh masa gue udah ngerti cara ngelink orang doongski gaul kaaan terus sekarang gue gaul gitu kalo ngomong pake eke zz
oh iya masa gue ada ulangan individu gitu buat ptd siaaaal gue gak ngerti sama sekali padahal (maaf jika guru ptdnya ada yang membaca blog saya) hahaa
bloggiee ay belom cerita tetntang my new class ya uu cecian cuman bloggie doang yang belom gue critain haha GAK JELAS PARAH GUE. oke back to the point my new class actually really bored belom ada yang ngajakin gue gokil sih apa lagi tugas gila membunuh gue bangeet tuh tugas gue menggunung gileee gaul kan eke hahaha udah aha males posting panjang panjang byeeeeee bolggieeee